Executive Director’s Message
Every day since our founding in 1994 and relaunch in 2016, the Hudson County Economic Development Corporation team and board of directors have worked alongside County administration and municipal partners to open doors for our vibrant and diverse community of residents, businesses, and organizations. Our collaborative approach to addressing our county’s most significant challenges and opportunities through innovative programming, professional training, and timely access to capital has helped our communities and local economy remain resilient and thriving.
Through HCEDC’s powerful partnerships, our ongoing commitment to serving and supporting underserved communities continues to shape Hudson County in meaningful and lasting ways.
Since our relaunch, we are proud to have helped fund 146 loans, representing an aggregate of $28.2 million in funding. We have made the dream of home ownership possible: 65 individuals completed a rigorous credit counseling program to become mortgage-ready, and 28 first-time homebuyers received an aggregate of $400,000 in grants to fund down payments on their first home.
Hudson County, one of New Jersey’s fastest-growing, most densely populated, and diverse regions, offers a wealth of assets and continues to drive growth for the region. Our strategic location, highly educated workforce, and rich cultural heritage provide residents and businesses with an outstanding quality of life. As Hudson County evolves, HCEDC and its partners continue to anticipate needs and implement proactive strategies to support business attraction and retention.
As always, we remain steadfast in our commitment to supporting the vitality of our diverse community of businesses and organizations and look forward to the bright future of Hudson County for all.
Michelle Richardson
Executive Director